AFK Detector
AFK Detector Animation Controller
Learn more about Animation ControllersHere's an example that can be used to track AFK players.
"format_version": "1.10.0",
"animation_controllers": {
"controller.animation.player.afk": {
"states": {
"default": {
"transitions": [
"stands_still": "!q.is_moving"
"stands_still": {
"on_entry": ["v.afk = q.life_time;"],
"transitions": [
"afk": "(q.life_time - v.afk) >= 30 && !q.is_moving"
"default": "q.is_moving"
"afk": {
"on_entry": ["/tag @s add AFK", "/say I'm now AFK"],
"animations": ["afk_animation"],
"transitions": [
"default": "q.is_moving"
"on_exit": ["/tag @s remove AFK", "/say I'm no longer AFK"]
- "controller.animation.player.afk" is, of course, the identifier.
- If the Molang query
returns false (the player isn't moving), the state transits to the "stand_still" state. - "stand_still" state checks if player doesn't move in 30 seconds to transmit to "afk", if not return to "default"
- When the state "afk" gets entered, "on_entry" gets triggered, which runs the following slash commands.
- "animations" includes the Behavior Animation's shortname that is to be ran during the whole time the state is active, just like in Resource Animation Controllers.
- If the player is moving again, the state will transit to "default" again. The commands "on_exit" will be executed.